영어 한마디

매일 아침 5번만 따라하자.Morning English

투썬스맘 2023. 7. 19. 12:03

새롭게 영어를 시작하는 모든 이들을 위하여 매일 따라 하면 익히기 쉬운 영어 표현들을 알아보자. 늦었다고 생각할 때가 가장 빠르다..

*I don't feel like ~ing  ~하기 귀찮아

I don't feel like going out 나가기 귀찮아

I don't feel like studying today.  오늘 공부하기 귀찮아.

I don't feel like doing anything.  아무것도 하기 싫다.

*This is a relief   다행이다.

What a relief.  와, 정말 다행이다.

It's a relief that you are okay! 네가 무사해서 다행이다.

It's a relief that you found my page! 이 페이지를 찾아서 다행이다.

*promise? 무언가를 하겠다는 의지를 표현하는 약속 /plans? 누군가를 만나기로 한 계획을 말할 때

I promise this will never happen again 이런 일이 다시 일어나지 않을 거라고 약속해.

I promise I will study hard. 공부 열심히 한다고 약속할게.

I have plans with my friends today. 오늘 친구랑 약속 있어.

Do you have any plans this weekend? 이번 주말에 약속 있어?

*I'm glad that~ ~해서 다행이다.

I'm glad that you had fun! 재미있었다니 다행이다!

I'm glad that you passed the exam. 시험에 통과해서 다행이야!

I'm glad that it's not raining outside. 밖에 비가 안 와서 다행이다!

I'm glad that I can help. 이렇게 생각하셨나요?

*Real quick  잠깐

I’m going to go to the store real quick. 나.나 가게에 잠깐 다녀올게.

I need to run out to the mailbox real quick. 잠깐잠깐 우편함 좀 보고 올게.

I’m going to get something out of my car real quick. 나.나 잠깐 차에서 뭐 좀 꺼내올게.

Let’s get a bite to eat real quick. 잠깐.잠깐 뭐 좀 먹자.

*I will be ~ minutes late.
I’m running ~ minutes late. ~분 늦을 것 같아.

Where are you? The meeting is about to start! 어디야? 곧 회의 시작이야!

Sorry, I’m running a bit late. You can start without me. 미안, 조금 늦을 것 같아. 나 빼고 시작해도 돼.

Take your time, we still have a few minutes. 천천히 와. 아직 시간 좀 있어.

I’ll be there in 2 minutes.2분이면 도착해.

*have a blast(=to have a great time) 재미있는 시간을 보내다.

I had a great time. 나 좋은 시간을 보냈어

It was so fun 너무 재미있었어.

It was a blast! 아주 재미있었어.

I had a blast last night. 어제 완전 재미있었어.


학교에서 자주 쓰이는 영어 문장 20

Could you speak louder? 좀 더 크게 말해 주시겠어요?

ex) I can hear your voice quietly. Could you speak louder?

I have a question. 질문 있어요.

ex) Can I ask the teacher? I have a question.

What do you mean by that? 그게 무슨 뜻인가요?

ex) I don’t really understand. What do you mean by that

I cannot hear you, teacher. 선생님 목소리가 들리지 않아요.

ex) I cannot hear you, teacher. Please speak louder

Can you see me? 제가 보이나요?

ex) The students in the back! Can you see me?

Are you ready for our lesson? 수업 준비 되었나요?

ex) Are you ready for our lesson? Shall we get started?

What did you do after school? 학교 끝나고 뭐 했어?

ex) What did you do after school? I met my friend and went to a cafe.

Do you have the book? 책 가지고 있나요?

ex) Do you have the book? Open page 50.

Can you tell me the answer? 답변해 볼까요?

ex) Who knows? Can you tell me the answer?

Listen carefully. 잘 들어보세요.

ex) I’m going to play this sentence once. Listen carefully

Listen and repeat. 잘 듣고 따라 해 보세요.

ex) Listen and repeat. Should we say it out loud?

Please study hard for the next lesson. 다음 수업을 위해 열심히 공부하세요.

ex) Reviewing is important. Please study hard for the next lesson.

Please read the next page. 다음 페이지를 읽어보세요.

ex) Please read the next page. It has important information written on it.

Good job. 잘했어요.

ex) Such a nice kid! Good job.

Who can write it on the board? 누가 칠판에 써 볼 사람?

ex) Who can write it on the board? Please come forward.

Did you get it? 알아들었나요?

ex) Did you get it? If you don’t know, I’ll explain it again.

I’ll give you a clue. 힌트를 줄게요.

ex) Was the question too hard? I’ll give you a clue.

Does anyone know what this is in English? 이것이 영어로 뭔지 아는 사람?

ex) Does anyone know what this is in English? Raise your hand please.

Can you say it? 말할 수 있겠어요?

ex) Can you say it? Let’s give it a try.

I’ll give you an example. 예를 들어 드릴게요.

Do you understand what I mean? I’ll give you an example.


쇼핑에서 자주 쓰이는 영어 문장 20개

Where do they sell cosmetics? 화장품 매장이 어디예요?

ex) Where do they sell cosmetics? I’m looking for lipstick.

  1. Which floor is the electronics section? 전자제품 매장은 몇 층이에요?

ex) Which floor is the electronics section? I’m on the first floor right now.

  1. Can I touch it? 만져봐도 될까요?

ex) Can I touch it? It sure is beautiful.

  1. They are new arrivals. 이건 신상품이에요.

ex) They are new arrivals. It’s much more luxurious than before.

  1. This is the only type. 이건 한 종류밖에 없어요.

ex) I’m sorry, sir. This is the only type.

  1. Could you show me some other colors? 다른 색도 보여주실 수 있어요?

ex) It’s really pretty. Could you show me some other colors?

  1. Do you have this item in other size? 다른 사이즈도 있나요?

ex) This is a little small. Do you have this item in other size?

  1. I will think about it a little more. 좀 더 생각해 볼게요.

ex) It’s more expensive than I thought. I will think about it a little more.

  1. Is this the sale price? 이거 세일 가격인가요?

ex) Is this the sale price? I heard there’s a sale since yesterday.

  1. The price is all right. 가격 괜찮네요.

ex) The price is all right. I really like it.

  1. Can I get a receipt? 영수증 주시겠어요?

ex) Can I get a receipt? I haven’t received it yet.

  1. I don’t’ think I got the right change. 거스름돈이 틀린 것 같아요.

ex) Please look at this again. I don’t’ think I got the right change.

  1. Please wrap these separately. 따로 포장해 주세요.

ex) Please wrap these separately. I’m going to give each other a gift.

  1. I want to exchange it for a smaller size. 더 작은 사이즈로 바꾸고 싶어요.

ex) I want to exchange it for a smaller size.

  1. Can I get a refund? 환불받을 수 있나요?

ex) Can I get a refund? I don’t like the quality.

  1. Do you offer delivery service? 배달해 주시나요?

ex) It’s too heavy to carry around. Do you offer delivery service?

  1. I didn’t buy books. 전 책은 사지 않았어요.

ex) I think you know something wrong. I didn’t buy books.

  1. It’s a present for someone elderly. 연세 드신 분께 선물하려 해요.

ex) Do you have other colors? It’s a present for someone elderly.

  1. I’ll come back another time. 다음에 올게요.

ex) I’ll come back another time. Thank you.

  1. Can I try this on? 입어봐도 되나요?

ex) It looks small. Can I try this on?

* Under the weather  몸이 좋지 않은, 컨디션이 안 좋은

I am feeling  under the weather. 오늘 몸이 좀 안 좋아요.

I am going home early today.I am feeling under the weather. 오늘 집에 일찍 가볼게요. 몸이 조금 안 좋네요.

I am feeling under the weather. I have to cancel our plans. 나 몸이 좀 안 좋아. 약속을 취소해야 할 것 같아.

오늘도 이렇게 한걸음 다가갔습니다. 영어에 자신 붙을 때까지 즐겁게 speak up!!
